Photo of Nancy Demata Argentina

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From very young I was interested in drawing, painting and crafts. At ten years old I attended a workshop drawing. He spent hours in front of my house, drawing it on the stand that I had given my father, who still keep and use with much affection. I graduated education teachers at the Higher Institute of Teacher Education No. 52, San Isidro and practiced during three years. I attended the workshop by Professor Mariana...

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19.69 x 13.78 in
7.87 x 11.81 in
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Photo of Nancy Demata Argentina

From very young I was interested in drawing, painting and crafts. At ten years old I attended a workshop drawing. He spent hours in front of my house, drawing it on the stand that I had given my father, who still keep and use with much affection. I graduated education teachers at the Higher Institute of Teacher Education No. 52, San Isidro and practiced during three years. I attended the workshop by Professor Mariana Rompani, where I began painting with acrylics and then taught me the secrets of synthetic enamel, which enabled me to devote myself to painting. So, in 1998, I set aside to begin teaching painting for furniture Ariis (Capital) and Anthea (San Isidro) until July 2009, performing sets of furniture and accessories for rooms children. In 2004 relic carpentry course at the Municipal de Boulogne with Professor Juan Merida. In 2005 I joined the visual arts career IUNA (Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte), where I studied drawing and painting workshops , among others, having to stop the study with the arrival of my third daughter. In 2006 relic airbrushing course taught by German professor Werner, in artistic Dibu de Villa Ballester. I attended the seminar naive painting of Alexander Costs in 2008. Since 2007 the workshop concur my great art teacher, Bibiana Aldrovandi. To whom I am eternally grateful for having supported and encouraged to join the teaching and my love for art. And starting in 2008 to teach at my studio, I called Light Dream. In 2009 I did the course of painting on porcelain with Marcela Viglione. Since my girls are bigger, and with the support of my love and my mother, I am currently studying visual arts teachers in schools Antonio Berni, participating in this sample, held at the Young Art Festival, at the Hippodrome of San Isidro, in December 2009.

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